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  1. M

    Accidently dropped Macbook Pro

    Greetings gentlemen, last night i had dropped my Macbook Pro M3 from the bed at the height 16 inch. It fell off on the thin carpet. Does it affect with the body and components in it? Thank you.
  2. H

    27" iMac (late 2015) screen black after dropping

    I was re-arranging my study room and put my iMac on a chair, it wasn't stable and dropped to the timber floor, there's no mark on the iMac itself but some scratches on the timber, which made me think the iMac is tough enough, but then the iMac screen doesn't light up, I could hear the sound when...
  3. D

    Dropped MacBook- screen shaking glitchy

    Hello, I recently dropped my MacBook and now the display is shaking, flashing, and glitching. Any idea if this is something I can repair at home?

    Other iPhone 11 Series Reception Poll

    Does your iPhone 11 or iPhone 11 Pro get better or worse reception than your previous iPhone? Please note that I am looking to compare previous versions of iPhones to the new iPhone 11 or iPhone 11 Pro only.
  5. Dhebi101

    DROPPED HARD! MacBook Pro Late 2103 Retina Display

    So... Am I LUCKY? or what??? This is a story for people who feel that things are hopeless when they drop their computer and the display goes out!! First off, my computer was stolen. I got it back. That is another story. THEN.... the charger port went off the rails, so, I found a guy to...
  6. C

    Dropped my MB. Need urgent advice

    Hi everyone, My Macbook slid from my hands and hit the marble floor. It seems there is no function problem as of now. Sometimes the right shift key doesn't work well but that's all. However the right side of the laptop is bent and there is a slight opening now. Could you please check out the...
  7. N

    Dropped my macbook pro 2016 13 inch could there be any damage?

    was carrying my Macbook pro in my laptop bag over my shoulder and held the door open for someone that person accidentally knocked me in the arm as the were walking past and my bag fell on the floor, I have a hard plastic case on it and when I looked there was a small scuff on the plastic case...
  8. Sovon Halder

    Airpods Owners - Have you dropped them ear-pieces yet?

    I dropped the right airpod 4 times and the left one once, in the past 27 days - since I bought them on May'1 2017. Never dropped the case though. As for me, I dropped them while removing a shirt or while taking them off the case; all while I was indoor, all from about. 3 - 6 feet height. Not...
  9. B

    iPhone diagnostic test from Apple support gives new problems?

    Recently I've dropped my iPhone 7 and I noticed the bottom right area got warm when in use, so I contacted Apple support via chat and they offered me to take diagnostic test of my phone. Everything seems to work just fine (besides the warmness), but after they took the diagnostic test, it shows...
  10. H

    I hit my iphone 6s+ pretty hard. Did something happen?

    Hey, I hit my phone pretty hard on a hard desk surface while i was holding it, it just slipped my hand and i tried catching it but made it go faster by hitting it while it was on air with my hands. yeah, that happened. It was also charging thru usb/power cable. Now, I checked the surface of...