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dual 1.42

  1. Appleuser201

    Dual Processor Powermac G4 Performance VS. Single CPU?

    I'm confused about dual processors... How much extra performance do you get? (Single 1.25 MDD vs dual 1.25 MDD powerMac G4) would a dual 1.25 power Mac equal or compare to the performance of a single 2ghz G4 or even a 1.6ghz G5? Lastly, could you say a dual 1.42 GHz power mac with both...
  2. C

    Enable Nap script for OS X 10.5

    Hi all. I dug my Dual 1.25 MDD out of the closet. I missed it terribly. Anyway, after having it powered on for 15 minutes, I noticed the temps creeping up toward 55°C and soon realized I didn't have CHUD Tools installed. So, I installed version 3.5.2, and then tried installing the Enable Nap...