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  1. Snake57

    Outlook for Mac not showing search results

    I've recently ported all files from an old Macbook air (2011) to a new Macbook Air M1 (2020) I use Outlook as the e-mail client, however the issue is that there are no search results when using the search function. I'm absolutely certain the search terms I have tried are in e-mails, and I've...
  2. R

    Resolved Can Mail still be set up on a PPC?

    I was trying to set up a secondary PPC-only e-mail address for Mail (to not give away my main one and to not flood the old Mac with reams of mail), but I can't seem to get the servers to work because I don't understand the settings; I've tried to follow some instructions I found but when they...
  3. M

    Incorrect unread e-mail count

    iPhone X running iOS 12.3.1 Hopefully this is correct place to make a thread about this. My iPhone show incorrect unread e-mail count as demonstrated in the screenshots. It should show 464 unread e-mail because 105 unread e-mail from Exchange and 359 unread e-mail from Gmail is equal to...
  4. S

    Importing mailboxes combined all e-mails into one conversation

    Did a clean install of Mojave tonight and after importing my mailboxes into the Mail app from High Sierra, it's nested the majority of my e-mails in my "On My Mac" folders into one conversation (3000+ e-mails). Unchecking "Organize by Conversation" shows them all individually but once I re-open...
  5. cserba

    Get free iCloud e-mail adrress

    Hi all. I have been looking on the internet of course especially with the help of google, how can I get an extra account to my icloud. But I couldn't find a relevant solution. Everything I have found is useless because it was an old thread and things has changed. I mean I have one as I have...