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  1. Alvin777

    How's It Possible That My Windows Boot Camp is Booting w/ an MBR

    Hi Mac friends, about April of this year, Windows Boot Camp wasn't booting, usually it's the black screen of death or the boot loop (but I can mount it on macOS and copy files from it), at that time for almost a week from morning to almost midnight, I tried to make it boot (Cmd, Chkdsk, sfc...
  2. L

    Question regarding the performance of a MBP when it has it's retina display disabled

    I'm using this app called EasyRes (very reputable app from what I've heard) on my 2017 MBP. I've disabled the retina display (2x) by using it's standard setting (1x) and I was just wondering if doing so would affect my computer's overall performance. Like will it help its battery life, make it...