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emac power pc

  1. gastypm

    SSD on eMac troubleshooting

    Hi everyone! I’m new here and I’m reaching for help since I couldn’t find anything on the web nor in this forum. I have an eMac (the one from early 2003) and it hard drive died. Instead of replacing it with another hard drive, I thought it would be better if I replaced it with an SSD. I bought...
  2. F

    eMac surprisingly usable as a daily driver

    Back in May I posted asking if the eMac 1.42 ghz model (being offered for free and is my only machine) was capable of being a daily driver and after a couple of months it really shocked me. First of all, tenfourfox isn’t as slow or bad as many people say, on my machine it’s fast enough most of...
  3. amagichnich

    Resolved eMac very slow

    Hello Community, i hope you may have some helpful thoughts for me. My problem is this: I have three ppc Macs, 2 eMacs (1 and 1.25ghz) and 1 iBook G4 1.33ghz. The eMac 1.25 is the one im concerned about. In everyday usage (itunes, safari, t4f, spotify, photoshop) the cpu shows always between 80...
  4. Johnny365

    Newest Purchases: Mac Pro 1.1 and eMac

    eMac was $30, works great. Have to upgrade the ram and add an Airport Extreme card (only came with 128MB). Mac Pro 1.1 was $100. It is the 2006 model with 2 Dual Core 2.66GHz Xeon CPU's and stock Geforce GT 7300 graphics card. It does have 9GB of RAM, running OSX Lion 10.7.5. Has 3 HDDs, 1TB...