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  1. B

    PostScript is dead

    Sonoma has removed the pstopdf command, as well as the PSNormalizer framework which provides the PostScript interpreter for the OS. You can still create PS to send to a printer, but there's no support for interpreting PS in the OS anymore. A sad day; though it's been coming for a long time...
  2. flottenheimer

    Quick Look plugin for .eps files?

    Does anyone know of a plugin that enables Quick Look to preview/support .eps (and possibly .ai) files? Free or cheap would be extrasuperawesome : ) Any help would be much appreciated. (Must work on Apple Silicon + Monterey)
  3. M

    Word 2016 64bit Issues. Microsoft wants $ for support.

    I have the following issues with Word 2016. 1.) Importing Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) files into a .docx document results in a mirror-image reversal of the document. Performing the same task with Word 2011 or Word 2007 is successful. I use this as a workaround. 2.) Cross references...