I have a refurbished mid-2015 Macbook Pro, it's currently running Big Sur version 11.7.10.
The last six months the laptop will run hard and crash multiple times a day. It doesn't matter if I was working on it or not. I wanted to wipe the computer and start fresh. The Macintosh HD does...
Getting straight to the point, the main difference in the process of erasing Macs for intel and for Apple silicon is that you’re supposed to press the minus button (-) undef volume for Macintosh Data when erasing an Intel chip. I did this and now my sidebar looks like this:
When I tried to...
So a friend was looking into selling her Macbook Air mid 2013 to someone and came to me for help in transferring pictures from it onto an external hard drive she had bought. She was having some issues doing it herself since the drive wasn't showing up when she plugged it in, easy, so I went to...