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  1. halloleo

    How to get rid of a Volume that magically appears as a shadow of my Time Machine drive

    I'm using an iMac with macOS Catalina. I have attached a Thunderbolt drive with the name mytime. This drives works perfectly for the time machine backup. One weird issue though is: In the Volume directory I have two volumes with the name mytime when I list the /Volumes directory in the...
  2. zed1291

    Reading/Writing Bootcamp Partition

    Prior to installing macOS 10.12.5 I had enabled reading AND writing my Bootcamp partition (formatted NTFS) with terminal. For those who aren't familiar sudo nano /etc/fstab [ENTER] LABEL=BOOTCAMP none ntfs rw,auto,nobrowse [control-o] [ENTER] [control-x] [ENTER] Then use "open /Volumes" to...