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  1. flatjuba

    Evernote stopped working in PPC?

    Anyone use Evernote in their 10.5.8 or 9? I believe they stopped syncing with the PPC now....It has been weeks I was unable to retrieve my notes stored in Evernote, despite I paid it for a year.
  2. circatee

    Universal OneNote to Apple Notes

    Has anyone here moved from the likes of OneNote/Evernote, to Apple Notes? Any regrets?
  3. H

    Problems highlighting text in Books for Ipad in IOS 14

    Hi, I recently updated my ipad to IOS 14.01.1 and since then I have two problems with my Book apps: When I try to highlight a sentence or paragraph, I try to touch and hold a word and although sometimes it works (highlighting only that initial word) other times automatically it highlights a...
  4. S

    Duplicate Notability notes in Evernote

    I wonder if anyone can help please? I'd like to duplicate notes I take in Notability in Evernote. I've tried backing up Notability's notes as PDFs in Google Drive and Dropbox and using IFTTT to automatically send them to Evernote. All I'm getting in Evernote, however, is a link to the note; I'd...
  5. duddleyduddley

    Rerendering Links in Evernote

    QUESTION Is there a utility to FORCE EVERNOTE to rerender URLs? Background Sometimes the Evernote Clipper goes wonky and just saves a webpage URL (not a copy of the webpage). I'd love to comb my Evernote Library & render all those pages that are just URLs
  6. mrmsdbdl

    Keep It

    This week I found about Keep It. It’s a super friendly note-taking app. In fact, I think it fits into the category of resource management, quite similar to the DEVONthink instead of the Evernote. It’s a native iOS and macOS app, with nice systems integrations, encryption, tag support, etc. One...
  7. D

    What are the best To Do list apps for iPad Pro?

    I'm looking for a To Do list management app that will work basically like "Reminders" app that is already on iOS except I want it to integrate apple pencil. I want to be able to write out the task(with apple pencil) and then attach times or dates and other basic features, especially marking it...
  8. W

    Evernote and other note-takers

    MY HARDWARE Apple iMac -- Core i5 @ 2.9 GHz, MacOS 10.10 Yosemite, soon to be upgraded to 10.12 Sierra; DSL internet connection, Evernote app, Microsoft Office, Google Drive, etc. Lenovo-Motorola Moto G4 Play smartphone, Android 6, Google Drive, Gmail and Microsoft Office installed. I've...
  9. tofagerl

    Alternative to EverNote for personal document storage

    I use(d) Evernote in two distinct ways. One was taking and reading notes. Fine, I'll use any of dozens of similar apps for that, no problem. The other is that I scanned tons of documents and tagged and titled them in Evernote. They were saved as PDF, and while most were receipts and bills that I...
  10. Laisha

    Giving Up on Notes : Alternatives?

    For no apparent reason, everything I've saved in Notes in the past week has gone missing. They are not in my Mac or my iPhone. Furthermore, though there are many notes in the app, none of them show up until I begin typing in the SEARCH bar. So...Two questions: 1. Can anyone tell me what might...
  11. W

    Anyone use Evernote?

    New to Evernote. Use ok on Macbook. However, when I open notes from iPhone, i don't know how to delete a line? All I find is how to delete a 'Note' or folder but not just a line? This is ridiculous that I have to go searching on something so simple. I may just switch to OneNote? Thanks.