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  1. Apple fanboy

    September 2024 Activity Challenge

    Here we go again! Good luck everyone.
  2. C

    October 2022 Activity Challenge

    So what did everyone else get for your October Activity Challenge Award? I think mine this month is much more doable compared to what I had to go through with September’s Challenge! Good luck and hope everyone is able to complete your Challenge! :)
  3. M

    AirPods 2nd vs 3rd Generation for non-casual movement exercises (swinging kettlebells, etc)

    For exercises with much body movement, like swinging kettlebells, I currently use the AirPods 2. I also own the AirPods Pro 1st Gen, but have found that they tend to fall out when doing much body movement. One of my AirPods 2 pods just died, and this is probably the eighth pod to die that has...
  4. Apple fanboy

    August 2022 Activity Challenge

    So another month, another challenge. Good luck everyone.
  5. Apple fanboy

    April 2022 Activity Thread

    Well here we go again. Not impossible. At least I get 8 easier days! Come on guys and girls. We got this!
  6. Apple fanboy

    March 2022 Activity thread

    So February is done. Time to reset. Looks like no rest days for me. Not sure how I will get on as I’ve hurt my ankle today. Slipped off a curb and rolled my ankle.
  7. Apple fanboy

    January 2022 Activity Thread

    Happy New Year everyone! Not too bad a start for me.
  8. Apple fanboy

    December 2021 Activity thread

    Here we go again. Not an easy one for me with the bad weather.
  9. 2

    Universal Best apps for strength training, weight lifting, resistance training?

    Can anyone recommend some very good apps for weight lifting, strength training? I will be using weights, mostly barbells, dumbbells and cables to build muscle. I am looking for something that has a great UI, easy to navigate, has pictures or videos of showing you how to do the specific exercise...
  10. Huntn

    Health, Good Practises, and Exercise

    I had a thread regarding dieting (I thought), but can't find it. I was a chunky kid, discovered exercise as a teen, became an avid runner, went 40 years without a weight issue due to regular exercise, but now in my 60s, I'm about 30 lbs overweight. I'm 5'10" @220 lbs. I can no longer run, but...
  11. Apple fanboy

    January Activity Thread

    So December and 2020 are done. On with the next challenge. January. Good luck everyone!
  12. L

    Apps What is the best activity to use for "physical labor"?

    I work at an office job 5 days a week, and exercise by walking / hiking and lifting weights occasionally. but I also work 1 day a week sometimes 2, at a grocery store in the produce department stocking the tables and displays (for the exercise and extra spending money... and I like the people...
  13. Jay-Jacob

    Apple Watch heart rate and exercise

    Hi I want check something cos I am not too sure and can’t find info online to confirm or whatever. As far I know if heart rate monitor is on and use workout app on Apple Watch and it will continually monitor your heart. What I don’t know is if I use iPhone app to exercise for example HIIT...
  14. zanoii

    Activities working on latest WatchOS/iOS betas?

    Hi, (Disclaimer: Not using English on my watch/phone so I might be using the wrong terminology for some features/apps.) Not sure if this goes in iOS12 section or Apple Watch section.. I have the latest iOS beta on my backup phone (iPhone SE) which works great. I am however not using it for...
  15. DoubleFlyaway

    Recumbent bike workstation and Apple watch

    I just ordered this: My idea is to use it a LOT while working. So, it will be low-level exercise for long stretches of time. Would you use your watch to track it as a workout...
  16. M

    Automatically recognize exercise?

    I switched to the Apple Watch from a Fitbit Blaze. The thing I miss most about my Fitbit is the way it automatically tracked and logged exercise by what I was doing. Walking outside, running on an elliptical, cycling etc are all automatically logged and counted towards your exercise goals. They...
  17. jent

    How to control Spotify/Pandora music from Apple Watch?

    I went for a jog yesterday and decided to listen to Spotify. I also used a Bluetooth headset, so it was the first time I've run with three devices (iPhone, Apple Watch, and earbuds) completely wirelessly. I noticed that the Music app on the Apple Watch could only control iTunes music, not the...
  18. trifusion

    [watchOS3] 3D Maze Game App for Apple Watch beta

    activeMAZE has begun beta testing .....
 Apply today at: Challenge Mind and Body Never have you been so lost. The way out, a forgotten memory.

 As impossible as it may seem to finish, you know moving will get you there. Fast or slow it does not matter, only...
  19. C


  20. Moments89

    Exercise counts to generously

    Hey there, Last Saturday I bought my Apple Watch. I'm very happy with it but I noticed that it counts even normal walking as exercise. I thought it needed to be a "brisk walk or more" to count for your exercise minutes. That's in fact a little discouraging because it doesn't motivate me to go...