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  1. blackxacto

    iPhone 13 Pro Max Experimental WebKit features for iphone13promax

    iPhone 13 Pro Max , 16.1.2 iOS: Has anyone played with the experimental features in iOS 16.1.2. Do any safely provide better phone use?
  2. crazyroo1

    Safari Experimental Features

    What are the experimental features that are enabled by default in Mojave? I enabled them all one day, and now my college won't log in due to one of them, but idk which were on by default. Thanks!
  3. allan.nyholm

    (Theme) Exploring the Leopard-esque look again

    Today is the my 42nd birthday and I have decided that a dumb decision is just dumb when stopping theming. It's what I like doing. SIP off - never an issue or problem being off anyway, so why would it ever be?! Previously I stated that I was done with theming forever.. turns out ... not true...