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  1. bogdanw

    KingsPawn malware / ENDOFDAYS iOS 14 zero-click exploit

    Analysis of the KingsPawn malware / ENDOFDAYS exploit used against iOS 14 The Citizen Lab - Sweet QuaDreams: A First Look at Spyware Vendor QuaDream’s Exploits, Victims, and Customers “We also identify traces of a...
  2. robd003

    iOS 15 Beta 8 Exploitable by Pegasus?

    Does anyone know if the current iOS 15 Beta 8 is susceptible to the Pegasus exploit that was patched with 14.8 today?
  3. ezoolander33

    Best way to load custom Ipsw??

    Hello I recently bought a iPhone 4 from eBay for cheap and was informed it was icloud locked and like the idiot I am decided to take that on as a challenge to see if I could restore full or most of the usage back to it I don't really care about cell service but it would be a plus to have the...
  4. macduke

    12.1 Major Exploit

    I have discovered a major exploit which allows bypassing Touch ID from the lock screen. How do you guys recommend that I go about disclosing this so that I can get the bounty that Apple has on bugs of this magnitude? Do I need to have it well documented? Does it need to be reproducible on...
  5. S

    Security flaw like root

    Everyone is buzzing about the root security flaw, tell me how this is different: 1. Reboot single user mode 2. mount -uw / 3. rm /var/db/.AppleSetupDone 4. shutdown -h now 5. Create new admin account Like, what am I missing here? Why is this so easy to do? With a new admin account you could...
  6. OCDMacGeek

    I discovered an exploit where the Apple Watch won't lock despite total break in skin contact.

    Update: If you're trying this, please do two things: (1) If it doesn't work, try the technique a second time in a row, and for me it always works the second time -- not sure why. (2) Can you please try something else? Forget the heart rate trick and just lift your Apple Watch off your wrist...
  7. Avenged110

    Protect 10.9.5 from CVE-2016-4631 & 4632?

    According to Apple's information (, they patched ImageIO exploits CVE-2016-4629 and CVE-2016-4630 on Mavericks. However, they do not claim to have patched 10.9.5 with regard to CVE-2016-4631 or CVE-2016-4632. From how these have been described to me, this...