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  1. voraciousvegan

    Airport Extreme Security, Dynamic Global Hostname

  2. sakis_s

    Airport extreme drops out connection daily

    I bought an Airport Extreme 6th generation router and I'm not able to make internet stable. It is connected through Ethernet on a DSL modem and it keeps drop out internet connection two - three times per day. When internet drops out, airport led remains always solid green and the only thing that...
  3. P

    Internet issues

    hey I am in desperate need of help I live in a building where we get our internet throught the buildings own setup. Its goes through a router, then a switch and then through a cable into our apartment. I have 2 airport extremes set up with their own cable from the basement switch. All through...
  4. Maglalangfrancis

    AirPort set up quick question

    This is how my set up looks like in our house. A being the main network while B and C are extensions. The speed when I'm connected to the C router (Beside it) is noticeably slower. Right now, the automatic setup configured C router to extend router A as well (B is extending A also) my question...
  5. panjandrum

    IPv6 LAN IPv4 WAN + Airport Extreme?

    Long story short, I'm embarrassed to say that this is the first time I've really delved into IPv6. Our ISP only offers IPv4, and our school network was around 200 total devices. That's the largest network I support, so there simply hasn't been any pressing reason to worry about it yet. But...
  6. DinBan

    Identify U1600 IC on Apple Airport Extreme A1143 MB053LL/A board 820-2214-A

    Hi All! Need help with Identify of burned IC U1600 on Apple Airport Extreme A1143 MB053LL/A main board 820-2214-A Help please! Just need a Hi resolution picture of U1600 area on main board to identify IC. Maybe some one who own this device now can open it and take picture of main board or...
  7. rudychidiac

    How can I disable AppleTV airplay for guest network users?

    Hi guys, I recently enabled "guest network" on my Airport Extreme (Tower model, running version 7.7.8) I connected as a guest to check the limitations and I noticed that Airplaying photos and videos to my Apple TV still works on it. I'd like to disable that, is there a way? I tried searching...