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fallout 4

  1. Rixxx

    Fallout 4 on Mac Help

    Hi Guys Does anyone know any way to install Fallout 4 (pc game) on the mac? I have a iMac 27inch - 3,4ghz intel core i7 - 32gb - NVIDIA GeForce GTX 680mx 2048mb I tryed winebottle but the game is 64bits, and wine don't support this... or I'm not doing it right Can somebody help with this Thanks
  2. Huntn

    Windows The Fallout 4 End Game, What Now?

    Fallout 4 is one of the most satisfying RPG/Adventure games I've played since, oh Skyrim! :) Now that I see the end in sight, headed for a resolution between the 3 factions, I've looked upon the DLC that is associate iwth this game and I'm a bit disappointment. Far Harbor looks like a horror...