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flashing folder

  1. L

    Startup disk randomly disappears and reappears since installing Big Sur

    I installed Big Sur when the public beta came out, no funny business, all official, and the installation went without a hitch (MacBook Pro, 2017) However, often when waking from sleep I will get the flashing ? folder showing the startup disk is "missing". It's not every time, may 25%. To get it...
  2. rgetter

    MBA sits closed, gets warm, shows ?folder? icon (??)

    I have a really nice mid-2013 Core i7, 1.7GHz MBA running High Sierra. Right after I bought it, I installed an OWC Aura Pro X 480GB SSD and installed High Sierra. Every so often, after I leave it sitting closed for a while (sometimes a few days, this isn't my primary computer), I'll return to it...
  3. F

    MBP displays a flashing folder when booting up

    Hi MacRumors, I've struggled with my MacBook Pro Primo 2011 (Yes, I should upgrade..) for the past month or so. It started out by occasionally displaying the flashing folder when booting up, but I could get past that by rebooting a couple of times. Now I've reached the point where I'm not able...
  4. T

    Tried several new hard drives, new hard drive cables, hard drives won’t show up in disc utility.

    Please help!!!! I have a mid 2009 MacBook Pro and it has died on me. At first it crashed, I bought a new cable and it was fine. Then it crashed again. New hard drive. Tried booting it up. It got halfway through the bar on the loading screen and didn’t get any further. Tried restarting it...
  5. S

    2011 MBPro SATA cable

    Hi My early 2011 MBpro recently had problems booting and after lots of fault finding I got the problem down to the main HDD bay as my boot disks worked fine out of the DVD bay. Ive got 3 boot disks (2 x SSD and 1 mac HDD) which all boot fine on the second bay but wouldn't on the main. After...
  6. Vincent10z

    MacBook Pro Flashing Question Mark

    So my MBP (late 2009) has started to show the flashing folder with a question mark in it. I've tried CMD + R , Option, Option + D, and Shift all on startup and all of these keys or key combinations dont do anything. When I press option to boot from a USB with El Captain on it to re install OS X...
  7. matthiastj

    iMac hard drive can't be read

    So before this gets deleted since it looks like other threads, please read into the present issues because I have searched everywhere for the answer to this. It's an iMac A1224 and I get the flashing folder/question mark on startup. When I booted from an install drive and tried to find the hard...