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  1. con2apple

    New Displays only with Thunderbolt 5

    I am new here and would like to start with a thought. The Studio Display is really nice. It can't do much, but it looks very good and thanks to Samsung we know that it's not as expensive as we all thought at first. It's also virtually unique on the market in terms of build quality. The Pro...
  2. B

    upcoming new Apple product categories

    (No question, just some observations...) Apple's put huge effort into 2 new product categories: mixed reality (about to be released) vehicles (maybe someday released) When I think back to when "smartphone" was a new product category for Apple, Apple was extraordinarily positioned to have a...
  3. S

    Other The next SE should (but won’t) have MagSafe

    By now a rough outline of the next-generation iPhone SE is coming into focus, giving us some idea of what to expect from Apple’s next budget-friendlier mobile offering. It seems it may be in either an iPhone XR or iPhone 11 chassis—probably the former to help cut down on cost—with a single lens...
  4. Dulcimer

    Other Let’s predict the next few years of iPhone releases

    This year and the next should be fairly easy considering current rumors. Anything beyond that is a wild guess to me, especially since potential AR glasses or some new unforeseen tech could shake things up. Let’s hear some creativity! 2020: LiDAR feature for better AR and maybe camera features...
  5. Jubadub

    Do you own a Talos II?

    I believe the PowerPC community needs no introduction regarding the brilliant Talos II, Talos II Lite, Blackbird and the upcoming Condor product lines by Raptor. Knowing these computers being insanely high-performant, cost-competitive, privacy-respecting and completely blob-free (unless we count...
  6. ComfyMac

    Is Catalyst a (partially) defensive move?

    Hello everyone. I've been thinking about Catalyst and Apple's reasoning behind it. Some of it seems obvious: make devs' lives easier, increase software availability on macOS and consequentially sell more Macs. So at first glance this seems to be a "power" move in the sense that Apple with the...
  7. ipedro

    Theory: HomePod Will Replace AppleTV

    I’m going to make a bold prediction: The Apple TV as we know it will disappear. When Apple announces its new TV service on Monday, it will be called TV. Apple began working towards this a few years ago when the TV app was launched. Not only did it take a prominent role in tvOS as the place...
  8. cocoua

    Should Apple get into the search market?

    next wearable thing industry will adopt (when technology allows it a decent user experience), will be glasses, and eventually contact lenses, AI assistants will be 24h listening and detecting key words, showing you relevant info in the screens, making calculations etc... that service will lay...
  9. JedNZ

    All my data - what happens when I die…

    Ok, don't fret - I'm planning on living a long life (at this rate, at least by the time macOS 11.x.x is released (lol). But I've come to thinking about what plans I need to have in place if something happened to me, how my family will carry on without losing my Photos, Videos and everything else...
  10. Huntn

    The Future Of Food

    Are plants the future and animal based protein the soon to be past? I listened to a very interesting report on NPR where a prediction was made that we would change our diets to rely on plant protein instead of animal protein, fundamentally more economic and environmentally friendly, and it...
  11. Piggie

    iPhone X Notch Width Reduction 100% Guaranteed ?

    Now, leaving aside who did what 1st and who is copying who. As that argument will go around and around with no winners. I think we can all agree the "Notch" concept, which gives users more screen space than they otherwise would have is here to stay. Now, let me just say that, I think it would...
  12. M

    What improvements would you most like to see with iOS and iPhone

    Just wondering what you would most like to see added or fixed in iOS software and also iphone hardware in the future I would like; Multi window (view you tube and another app at once) Larger font within web browsers (display zoom brought back) Control centre moved into the app switcher to the...
  13. jambruzon

    iPhone X - Is this only the beginning of OLED

    Personally I think the X would of looked much better by using the same characteristics/UI as the Apple watch I know you can change the settings with iOS 11 to give users a nearly black display but I think if apple used the same UI as the Apple watch, it would of been far more superior Why do...
  14. rafark

    What TrueDepth camera can bring us

    As I mentioned in another post, most people think of the TrueDepth camera system as faceId and poop animojis; however the technology has the potential to be used in many other useful ways other than the dark and scary things people think of. I imagine: -Facial gestures. You're given a...
  15. diddl14

    My Dream MacBook

    Here's a iPad Pro running a macOS Desktop using Duet and a iPhone 6+ as trackpad. Just playing with it, it's feels pretty amazing how well this could work if it is turned into a polished Apple product. Just imagine working in macOS on a document, than detaching the iPad or iPhone and you can...
  16. SamTallon

    Universal I Ching: The Book of Changes

    I Ching, or divination by the Book of Changes - the most ancient of extant divinations. We strived to make it as realistic and fun as it could be, because it's also our favorite divination. Use the wisdom of ancient China - and let your life become better. App Store...
  17. smacrumon

    Future Apple design language

    Let's talk Apple and the future design language of iPhone starting with some useful ideas for Apple to try and prototype if they haven't already! Other phone manufacturers have their niche in repulsive protruding cameras, unsightly antenna bands and numerous holes cut out in odd and uneven...