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  1. K

    iPhone How to login into your Apple ID on the latest iOS virtually/via virtual machine.

    I have a iPhone 5. I want to download the Google keyboard Gboard. Gets msg ''Cannot Download App..the XX (app/name) not compatible with this device. The solution is to login with your own Apple ID to another person's newer device, download the app, then you're able to download a older...
  2. HallStevenson

    Google keyboard built-in ?

    I've been on Android for many, many years and for 2-3 years, have used "swipe" keyboarding input a lot. Since Apple's default keyboard has no support, I installed Google's keyboard for iOS. After installing it, you have to manually "Add New Keyboard..." and so on. Well, when I look in the...
  3. miknos

    Third-party microphone access (Gboard)

    I've been using the latest version of Gboard (Google keyboard) and it's great. I use it without full access for obvious reasons and it works just fine. Same with Swype btw. Something that Gboard stands out is the dictation option. Everything is transmitted to google servers when you're...
  4. yanki01

    What keyboard do you use?

    Just wondering what everyone's preference to use and why.