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  1. BasilFawlty

    Grab App - a very welcomed change with High Sierra!

    Ok, I'm not sure this change happened in High Sierra or possibly a previous version. I just upgraded from Yosemite to HS and just noticed a change in the Grab App that I was very happy to see! Before I upgraded, when I would do a screen capture with Grab APP, the files would always be captured...
  2. lchoisf

    Where does Grab store its autosave files?

    Mac OS 10.7.5 Lion Grab v.1.6.1 Could someone please tell me where Grab stores its auto-save files? In the recent past, I had taken a series of image captures using Grab. I didn't save them but rather closed the application without replying to the "Do you want to save?" dialog boxes...
  3. Air King

    IPP split screen image transfer

    I have an iPad Pro and want to be able to have Evernote open on one half of the screen and a web browser open on the other half and move sections of images over without having to take a screen capture and then edit it with cropping. On my MacBook Air I would do this with...