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gtx 980 ti

  1. R

    Help Please! Nvidia Web Graphics not working High Sierra 17G14042 and GTX 980 ti

    Hi all, I need some help, I have searched and pretty much performed fresh install and most if not every solution I could find. I have High Sierra 10.13.6 build (17G14042), I have installed CUDA version 418.163 and Nvidia Web Graphics version 387. However my Nvidia GTX 980...
  2. P

    mac pro 1,1 users with rx580 or gtx980

    Anyone have a Mac Pro 1,1 or 2,1 with El Capitan, using Radeon RX580 or Nvidia GTX 980 TI? How is it working? Any issues?
  3. parisinvest

    nvflash probleme, please help !

    hello guys, i was trying to flash my 980ti to mac version, but nvflash 5.13 won't recognize the card, and the newer version 5.28 read the card but said " PCI subsystem id mismatch", of course, I can't use option -4 -5 -6, there is no more these options from the latest version nvflash, I put the...
  4. W

    Resolved GTX 980 Ti + MacOS Mojave on 2009 MacPro 4,1(Flashed to 5,1)

    Hello all, I apologize in advance if this has been asked in another thread but I can't find one that matches my setup. I have a 2009 MacPro 4,1 that has had the firmware flashed to become a 5,1 and allow the install of High Sierra. I was using it with the stock Nvidia GT 210 and then with a...
  5. parisinvest

    gtx 980 ti boot screen probleme

    hi you all, i've got a gtx 980 ti recently, but when i boot it on my mac pro, it shows this dos screen before the boot menu appears, photo in attachment, someone can tell me is it normal please? thank you guys.