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  1. TheBigDog

    If Harambe was an Apple product...

    What would he be and why?
  2. 96-HUDSON-96

    Looks like Orzly have got their iPhone 7 cases listed!

    So here we have another grand reveal from another case player, you can find the link for 4.7" here and 5.5" here. This is another piece of supporting evidence in favour of the iPhone 7 Plus having dual rear cameras - something we have expected for quite a while now. I am going to order a few to...
  3. D

    Best phone for middle-aged dads? 7 or 7 Plus?

    Hi There I am An 44 year old Dad of 3 kids and I'm wondering if you guys think it would be better for me to have the 7 or the 7 plus When it comes out on the 10th Thanks, Jared