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hard disk

  1. L

    a1133/mid-2005 // powerbook6,7 // ibook g4 : can't open session/restore, only "minimalist" state boots up..

    hello hello i do have few powerpc computers was going to give/disposal them.. but a little association proposed me to borrow them for kids, as they might need to use them for offline activities (read/write) the thing is : the a1054 is in very well state the a1133 is with a big issue : i mean...
  2. LeoI07

    Resolved How to fix an external hard drive partition?

    I have this 12 TB external hard disk drive with the main partition being an 11 TB exFAT partition. The thing is, this partition is somehow broken, and when it gets mounted macOS will often display an error saying "macOS can't repair the disk" and that I should back up all the files on it; macOS...
  3. T

    2015 iMac got circle with line through it 2 days after I moved it on boot. Computer just couldn't see the HD. HELP! (Info in comments)

    So, a couple days after I moved my iMac I rebooted because it seemed to be acting up and on boot I got a black screen with a circle with a line through it. I looked online for fixes and ended up restarting holding command-r to get into recovery mode. Once in there I went to disk utility to try...
  4. D

    Seagate Expansion Portable vs. Toshiba Canvio Basics

    Hi, was wondering if anyone could help me figure out what external hard drive to buy for what reasons. Does it even make a difference or are you just looking at the price these days? I'm looking for reliability, speed, and low noise level. I read that the Canvio is quieter and has a better...
  5. SpikeHK

    Can I Copy Movies From My PC to Apple TV Hard Disk?

    I guess kind of a newbie question, thanks in advance for your patience. I'm contemplating buying the new Apple TV 4k when it comes out in May. (Possibly pair it with my HomePods for audio output, maybe pick up the AirPods Max as well.) Currently I have a Windows PC and I use Plex for viewing...
  6. R

    Can I partition USB HD that already has an OS?

    I have an external 4TB hard drive where I cloned the operating system of a computer that doesn't work, so I can get rid of the computer. I'll want to put that system into some other machine in the future, but there's no active plan at the moment. The clone takes up 600GB and then some, so...
  7. R

    iMac 2007: migrating old HD's contents to another identical machine?

    My old '07 iMac freezes instantly on startup and I have confirmed that it's not the hard disk nor the RAM, so I'm gonna sell it as spare parts. One day I happened to come by a very cheap identical one and decided to take it. I have taken out the old machine's hard disk: because the machine...
  8. Yuyang Wu

    How to merge two series-separated partitions in one hard disk.

    Hello I have an external 500G disk and there are two partitions inside currently, first one is APFS for storage document and second one is macOS(HFS+) for time machine backup. Now I'd like to move some space from the backup to document partition, however, I couldn't merge the third partition...
  9. satellitea100

    Help with MBP 2016 hangs on boot, Macintosh HD flickers.

    I have the following problem: My 2016 Macbook Pro (El Capitan) hangs on boot. The progress bar loads to near completion, after that it stops. The laptop heats up and eventually shuts down. What I need to do: Recover important data from the partition, then reinstall. No time machine saves are...
  10. A

    Upgrading to SSD in my Macbook - Need Help Before Purchasing!

    Hello, I am about to purchase this Samsung SSD for my MacBook Pro I have seen videos and threads about this SSD working with my specific Macbook Pro but I want to check two things here first: 1...
  11. S

    Deleted files from iTunes on External Drive but not ending up in Trash

    I'm having a problem with a 4TB OWC external drive that I use as my iTunes media folder. It's APFS formatted. When I delete a track from iTunes, I don't get asked whether I want to permanently delete the track or just remove from iTunes. I just get asked whether I want to delete from my iCloud...
  12. A

    Mac HD not showing Mac partition?!

    Hi, I have a mac harddrive where I installed bootcamp on one partition of it (windows 10). For some reason the mac won't boot into mac anymore. So to recover my data I have removed the hard drive and put it in a caddy and connected it to another mac laptop. The problem is that the harddrive...
  13. observer950717

    Recover Missing Hard disk volume

    Hi anyone out here, I have encountered a weird problem recently after installing and then uninstalling Ubuntu 18.10 on my MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Mid 2015). I uninstall Ubuntu by simply erasing the hard disk of it. I have installed and uninstalled Ubuntu successfully on my old macbook pro...
  14. Z

    replacing HD and LCD

    Are there any video tutorials on how to replace the HD with an SSD drive and replace the LCD of the MacBook Pro 15" Core 2 Duo Models A1226 & A1260?
  15. E

    My Hard Drive (HDD) Not SSD is APFS??

    Main Topic: Upon opening disk utility I noticed my internal hard drive (HDD not SSD)was seen as APFS formatted? Not sure if it has anything to do with my hard drive's poor performance but it really feels like the drive is on the verge of death and I don't know if I should just reformat the...
  16. A

    Multiple hard drives on my iMac causing problems

    I bought a secondhand Imac this year. It wa being used by a graphic design company that is now out of business. It has been running well so far, but now the storage is “maxed out” and I cannot even download iOS updates. The “system” memory is completely full (I have noticed this is a software...
  17. killsapo

    External hd invisible to my iMac but visible on other macs (visible only in RecoveryMode on my iMac)

    The other day my external usb hd unplugged accidentally and the usual pop up appeared; usually all is fine except the day after the disk was nowhere to be mounted or seen, neither in Disk Utility or /var/volumes for that matter. I then ran disk utility in Recovery Mode and all disks are fine...
  18. A

    After windows partition change, OS X partition goes to NTSF

    I'm struggling with lack of OS X system, after i've used ESUS partition tool in Windows (i have High Sierra and Windows installed via bootcamp). Recently i've found that windows partition resize operation change osx partition to NTSF. Is there any way to get it back working ? I see that...
  19. W

    Reclaim space from External Hard Drive

    I am on macbook. I have been using a 4TB external hard drive to backup using time machine. My backups took 0.5TB. I have deleted ALL backups from my hard disk. It still show 3.5TB space left when I would expect the whole 4TB. Why is this so????
  20. Jane8798

    Issues copying MacHD to external drive

    So my Mac will not start since I installed the latest sierra update- it only shows the loading start-up screen for HOURS. It won’t start in safe mode or cmd v mode either. I’ve managed to get it in recovery mode and reinstalled sierra and it’s still the same, I’ve also used first aid on disk...