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health app data

  1. G

    Other Apple Health: is it possible to prune workout-routes (just the map)?

    Hi, I have a technical question about Apple Health data and the possibility to selective prune data. When I export all health data (Health app | profile | Export All Health Data) I obtain an (~0.5GB) Extracted gives me: apple_health_export\workout-routes\<YEAR>\route<DATETIME>.GPX...
  2. H

    Is there a way to disable the resting energy logs from being generated?

    Never noticed them until I check my health app settings today. I have no profile or any other data associated with it. The logs go back to the start of November. I can't seem to find a way to disable their generation. Is there a way to do so? Additionally, how are they actually recorded? I have...
  3. BRMperc

    iCloud How can I move my parents to my iCloud Family Share?

    My elderly parents have had an iCloud family for a number of years. My mom runs it, as my dad has health issues. I'd like to put them both in my family (I wish they had let me years ago). My dad has an Apple Watch that we use to help keep track of him, so I can't have it get messed up. Any...
  4. O

    ECG graph from Samsung galaxy active 2 is less cleaner than apple watch

    Has anyone else noticed that the ECG graph from the Samsung watch is noisier that the far more cleaner graph from apple watch? Is it something to do with software only or something to do with the hardware?
  5. S

    Other Survey: IOS Health app usage

    Hello Apple enthusiasts, I'm working on improving the IOS Health app and I would like your help. Can you please answer the following survey? It will take you around 3 minutes and it's completely anonymous (no email or name is asked for)...
  6. nick_iphone7

    iPhone Need little help for Health App

    Hello. I don't like redesigning in Health App on iOS 13, before I could see how many calories I had expended, now I don't find such statistics anywhere. If anyone knows where I can see them or there is some kind of setup that I can activate I would be grateful. Thanks
  7. apple_bg

    iPhone Health App on iOS13

    hello i noticed that it shows only how many steps i have taken but not how many kilometers as it was before. They removed this feature or can I find it somewhere in the app? does anyone know more about this? I go in every day to see how many steps I have made and the miles compares it and I'm...
  8. Koshkaboo

    All Devices Apple Health prior day's data

    OK with my phone, I am looking at today's summary on Apple Health. That is fine, I like some of the changes. I do think it is a bit more tedious to get to the underlying data sources, but OK. However, if I missed my stats for yesterday I am not finding an easy way to go look at yesterday's...