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high-pitched noise

  1. KingdomKey

    My AirPods are faulty (constant high-pitched noise), Apple rejects service

    Tl;dr: A high-pitched noise from my left AirPod bugs me to the limit of not being able to use them, service provider say that there's nothing wrong with them and Apple won't help me. I'm left with a faulty product I cannot use. What can I do? Long version: I hear from my left AirPod a...
  2. A

    Sudden High-Pitched Overheating

    Hello. I will preface this post with some information. I have a Macbook Pro 15 inch running OS X 10.9.5. I've had the computer since December of 2014. The other day, I took my computer out of the bag that I keep it in. It had been in the bag all day, and has been under the conditions it was...