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  1. B

    02.make error during installation

    Hello gurus, Please I have been facing an error for over 2 weeks now whenever I try to install "watchman, mongoldb, postgreSQL" and some other software using brew, the installation would continue and almost done until it would show an error like the following complaining of 02.make file and it...
  2. W

    Gatekeeper and xcode cli tools

    Hi there, Yesterday i was completly reinstalling my MacBook from built in recovery, after standard configuration, app installation (App Store and trusted sources) i was installing homebrew from official site ( with cli installer. GIT was installed from git command typped in terminal on...
  3. anjanesh

    XAMPP or homebrew for *AMP stack web development ?

    Has anyone had any issues with XAMPP for OSX on macOS Sonama ? Or is using brew better off and configuring everything manually ?
  4. S

    What the heck with my homebrew install?

    Hello everyone, I was following the instructions here:,You%E2%80%99ll%20see%20examples%20of%20commands%20that...%20More%20 to install homebrew... I get the "Install successful"...
  5. Y

    Sketchy Bar configuration

    I installed an app called Sketchy Bar on my computer, and I'm wondering if anyone knows how to get the configuration shown in this picture, taken straight from the Sketchy Bar GitHub page. What commands should I put in, what colors to use, ect.
  6. Videot27

    Installing Telnet on a newer Mac

    Hi, all — I have an archaic piece of hardware on my network at work which still requires me to use Telnet to check its available disk space (long story). I always did that via Telnet, but since I got my cheese-grater Mac, I've been unable to do it as Telnet functionality isn't there any more...
  7. A

    Can't Install Homebrew on OS X Lion

    On legacy Os X lion 10.7 btw (laptop stolen idk) i tried this and tar xz --strip 1 -C /Users/mothafaka/Downloads/brew-1.5.2.tar.gz Nothing works, homebrew deprecated for lion i quess btw worth installing sierra on Mac Pro? (just ask, w93ts) (btw audius-dl-py stopped working for me on windows)...
  8. G

    AudioGridder PowerPC

    I was wondering if AudioGridder that is working since Lion could be made to work on our machines. Maybe VST is not directly compatible with VST 2 or 3, but AudioUnits are almost the same since Panther AFAIK. There maybe a coder is needed to wrap VSTs as VST2, but it is not needed for a pure...
  9. X

    Homebrew Bottles

    As macOS 12 is in beta, Homebrew throws the following error when trying to install an application using a pre-compiled bottle: Warning: You are using macOS 12. We do not provide support for this pre-release version. You will encounter build failures with some formulae. Please create pull...
  10. P

    Keyboard shortcut to activate AirPods (Max) on demand on a Mac

    I'm one of those who like to have a keyboard shortcut for everything. AirPods auto-switching works better with iOS and iPadOS than it does with my M1 Macbook Air. Also, I dislike having to click Connect every time with the trackpad. I want a keyboard shortcut key that I can press just in case...
  11. T

    Migration Assistant – Which files are migrated ?

    I found a lot of informations about this on multiple websites with different answers and sometimes outdated… So I wanted to clearly know exactly what files are migrated with Migration Assistant if every option is checked. My exact use case : I use HomeBrew for a lot of command line tools and...
  12. W

    If you use Terminal, be sure to check out Homebrew.

    Most folks probably know this, but with another year's passage, it's worth a reminder: Apple hates having to maintain open source tools and libraries. The release schedules and security patches never align with Apple's own, and the old code becomes a greater liability each year. As a result...
  13. R

    Who need Homebrew?

    Hello, I'm trying to understand who needs Homebrew and why. Why should I use Homebrew if I can download the app from an official website? Can somebody explain to me why everyone uses it? It's just hype or is it really convenient in some moments? I just can't figure out how Homebrew can help me. Thx!
  14. T

    Resolved HomeBrew Install Question - Directory Ownership

    So, I'm looking at installing HomeBrew on my High Sierra'd MacBook pro, however I'm holding off until I fully grasp the ramifications of installing it. What's stopping me are the informational messages such as: ==> The following existing directories will have their owner set to [LoginAccount]...
  15. M

    Why is Homebrew Cask not the preferred method to install GUI apps?

    People generally prefer AppStore > DMG Please state your prefered order and reason
  16. grahamperrin


    There's not yet an installer, there's standard advice to build from source. I thought first of the Subversion approach and there's but there's no svn with build 16A319 of the operating system, so I went to...