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imac 4k

  1. Applicator

    Modify kext / graphics driver to avoid kernel panic

    Hey there ? I'm having some trouble lately with my wife's iMac 4k '17 with AMD Radeon Pro 555 GPU. It's panicking whenever it's set to sleep for more than a few minutes, and I know the kernel panics are caused by the GPU. It crashes during the boot process regularly, but after 10-15 tries you'll...
  2. argentdraws

    (2019 4K iMac) Just bought my first real desktop mac in almost a decade.

    (Sorry this thread doesn't really have any direction!) So. I took the plunge. After years of owning a decently specced (to 2015 or so) "gaming" PC I've bought not only my first desktop Mac, but also the first brand new desktop Mac I've ever owned. Around almost 10 years or so ago a white...
  3. S

    iMac (4K, 21.5", SSD, 2017) making wierd noise? Help!

    Hello! My new iMac has started making some wierd noise, I got it 1 week ago and I didnt noticed this until today. I dont hear it always, it comes and goes sometimes. I think when scrolling. It reminds of a 2.5" 5,400rpm HDD noise when working. My system details: iMac 4k 3,4 GHz Intel Core...
  4. JasonTran1992

    Imac 21.5 4K 2017 Ram Upgrade

    Hello everyone, as I mentioned on title, I want to upgrade ram for my iMac 21.5 4K 2017. Can anyone give me recommendations? what brand should I buy? Corsair or Crucial? Anybody did before?
  5. Guillaume.F

    Full Spec 21,5 VS Base Model 27

    Hi everyone! This question has probably been asked before but I can't seem to be able to make a decision. To make a short story, I am saying goodbye to my old asus 15" laptop who is now old and outdated in terms of screen and specs. After thinking of going for another laptop, I have finally...
  6. Guillaume.F

    Full Spec 21,5 VS Base Model 27

    Hi everyone! This question has probably been asked before but I can't seem to be able to make a decision. To make a short story, I am saying goodbye to my old asus 15" laptop who is now old and outdated in terms of screen and specs. After thinking of going for another laptop, I have finally...
  7. Smb1913

    Upgrade Purchase Advice

    I'm a engineering student currently looking to upgrade from my worn out, late 2011 MacBook Pro. I love the idea of using a 10.5 iPad Pro as my primary portable device for note taking, light productivity, email, web browsing and other basic tasks. However, I would still require a macOS machine...
  8. A

    4K iMac is now a really cool desktop machine

    This is mainly because of the addition of dedicated graphics, but also with the improved displays, faster processors, faster RAM, and Fusion drive standard on the higher end model. Before I saw it as not comparable to the 27" but now it seems impressive and a true competitor against the 27" for...