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  1. Alvin777

    Resolved Key Combos That Instantly Takes You to the Top Most or Bottom Most of the Window?

    Hello Mac friends. I know that fn + left arrow key or fn + right arrow key bring scrolls the page instantly to the top most or to the bottom most of a page but are there are key combos that instantly take you to the top most or to the bottom most, instantly on a Magic Keyboard? Thank you.
  2. Sovon Halder

    Is M1 app opening really that snappy though?

    I think the depiction of snappiness showed on video on today's event was misleading. I've been using M1 Mac Mini 16GB 256GB since it came out but when I open my apps, it nearly not as snappy as shown on apple's video. In my computer at least it takes half a second to open apps like messages etc...
  3. muharremozkan

    Instant Document Search Pro 1.0 is launched!

    Hi All, We have just launched our new application Instant Document Search Pro. It is now available on the Mac App Store. We have developed this application for those who spend a lot of time with office documents. Imagine that you have a documentation that you are responsible for, consisting of...