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intel macs

  1. M

    Apple Maps very low 3D performance on Ventura/Sonoma on Intel Macs

    Hi, The 3D performance of Maps in Ventura/Sonoma on Intel Macs is very low! If you switch to 3D Satelite View (New York for example), dragging, rotating etc lags very much! Even if you have powerful hardware! I observe this on a Mac Pro 12-Core with AMD Pro Vega II. By looking at the Activity...
  2. B S Magnet

    Other Haiku on Early Intel Macs

    Haiku on Early Intel Macs A BeOS-derived modern OS First assembled: 25 February 2023 Latest update: 14 September 2024 PURPOSE This is a placeholder WikiPost and thread for installing, running, and discussing Haiku on Early Intel Macs. It’ll be up to everyone else here to enrich and improve...
  3. B S Magnet

    Naming creep? “Mac Studio M1 Ultra” & “MacBook Pro 16 M1 Pro” are the new “Performa 6400/200 Video Editing Edition” & “PowerBook 1400cs/166”. Discuss.

    When Jobs was re-hired by the company in 1997, Apple’s products — Mac and Newton both — had splayed across a mess of different naming conventions meant to describe the product’s specific features within the title itself. This often left the casual shopper at the mercy of someone who could break...
  4. M

    AirPods Max fizzle out on Mac

    Does anyone else have an issue with their AirPods Max where they "fizzle out" when connected to a Mac? By fizzle out, they'll be fine then you'll encounter some skipping (almost as if you are getting too far way). It gets worse and worse until they ultimately just stop playing. If I take them...
  5. B S Magnet

    Other  The Early Intel Macs SuperWikiPost: a WikiPost finding aid

     The Early Intel Macs SuperWikiPost a WikiPost finding aid First assembled: April 2021 Latest update: 18 September 2023 PURPOSE Over the years, WikiPosts have aggregated an incredible brain trust of MacRumors Early Intel Macs forum members who have shared everything they know for keeping...