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ios 10.2.1

  1. N

    iOS 10.2.1 Meridian Jailbreak/ Remove Cydia/ Restore iOS 10 Issue

    Hello Macrumors JB fam, I have hit a snag that I can't seem to get out of. I have an iPhone 7 (32GB) that is on iOS 10, and I want to keep it on iOS 10, and Jailbroken. What happened was that I neglected to keep tabs on my free space and forgot that pre-AFTS devices require stashing. I...
  2. K

    Performance: proportional to battery level?

    Hello everyone! On my iphone 6s, I have been wondering why would the performance sometimes be buttery smooth and sometimes stuttery especially when scrolling in the YouTube app and maybe my Facebook feed also. But I recently noticed also that the general performance is somewhat proportional to...
  3. K

    Is my battery life good or bad?

    Hi! I am not used to observe my screen on time but I am wondering if this battery life is good or bad? I am using an 8-month-old iPhone 6s running iOS 10.2.1 and battery life app shows sometimes 87% capacity left and sometimes 82%. Is this normal?
  4. andreiphone

    iPhone help to Jailbreak IOS 10.2.1 for Iphone 5. 16 gb??

    i have a iphone 5, 16 gb, i google and YouTube a lot but can´t find a way that helps me jailbreak my iphone 5, any link or help guide to jailbreak IOS 10.2.1 for iphone 5 is very appreciated. the links and videos I tried didn't work... maybe bc apple already have closed them.
  5. m4v3r1ck

    Free space on iPhone6Plus iOS 10.2.1 vs free space in iTunes

    I'm still struggling to fully understand one of the most used core applications for the Mac, iTunes! System 1. iPhone 6 Plus 16GB, - iOS 10.2.1 2. Mac Pro 5.1 - Mac OS X 10.10.5 & iTunes Situation After updating my iPhone to iOS 10.2.1 and my Mac Pro to iTunes, I have this -...