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  1. V

    Recently my iPhone 13 fell and started having some problems.

    On December 31st, my iPhone 13 fell on the asphalt, and since then I have been having some problems that I am not finding similar on the internet. Whenever I turn on Wi-Fi or Bluetooth, the phone restarts, turning them off again, not allowing me to turn them on again. In addition, the camera is...
  2. lasyos

    Stubborn Problem with Collections in the Apple Books app

    I had a lot of collections in the Books app some of which I don't need anymore. But no matter how many times I try to delete those collections they come back in a couple of hours. Also, renaming doesn't stick either, whereas I can edit their content successfully and create new ones. This is...
  3. peaksel

    iPhone 100 Doors Escape: Let me In! is live on AppStore

    📢 BIG NEWS! 📢 We're proud to announce that our "100 Doors Escape: Let me In!" game is now live on AppStore! 🎉 Immerse yourself in the ultimate escape adventure right from your iPhone. Enjoy! ✨ - #escapegame #ios #appstore...
  4. Gamercraft567a

    I can’t believe in a few years we will be on iOS 20 and iPadOS 20!

    I can’t believe in a few years we will be on iOS 20 and iPadOS 20! As you know iOS 17 and iPad os 17 was announced a few days ago and I was thinking “wow we’re close to iOS 20 and iPados 20” when watching WWDC23
  5. A

    iPad iPad for Kids

    Hi Everyone, Here is a question, I have an 8yo that would be delighted with an iPad tablet. My question is does apple have anything similar to what amazon fire does for kids? Can I set up the iPad to be age appropriate? if so, do I need the latest and greatest model or a two year old device...
  6. R

    iOS 17.2 Apps that require users to share personal information

    I am curious about this excerpt and is it still valid? 17.2 Apps that require users to share personal information, such as email address and date of birth, in order to function will be rejected I already have 3 apps in the app store which require the user to login using a username or an email...
  7. R

    After updating IOS some of my settings reset to defaults without my knowledge and permission.Why?

    When I update IOS, some of the settings in the settings app reset to their defaults. For example, I turned off all apple analytics and ads improvements and this kind of stuff but after update they are reverted back to default. Is that legal?
  8. Zanaty

    is macOS dying ?

    hello guys, after the events of yesterday i have this question .. is the end near for apple's desktop operating system ? the way it will look is completely identical to IOS/ipadOS, even the toggle switch is now on the mac without real need. are we going to see the ipad running a unified os in...
  9. F

    iOS Music app doesn't show my songs

    Hi, After the recent update in iOS "Music" app, I don't see any of my songs in that app at all. It says "All your music purchased from iTunes store will appear here". Problem is none of my music is purchased from iTunes store. What's the solution now? Can you guys recommend the alternative app...
  10. M

    Universal How does advertisement work in applications

    Hi! Please somebody help to make it clear because I am quite confused now... Could somebody please tell me how advertisement works (like banners, videos, etc.) in apps. (Simple apps, not social media apps.) So you make an app and how will it contain ads and which ads? Will it be generated...