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ios 15.8

  1. Alvin777

    Copy From iOS then Paste to macOS Works But Not Vice-Versa

    Hello Mac friends, if I copied the text from iOS 15.8 (using the iPhone 6S Plus) and I pasted it to macOS Sonoma14.1.1, macOS on the Intel Mac sees it and pastes it but not the other way around, however both see each other and can send each other files with AirDrop (AirDrop is set to...
  2. pika1126

    I need Help Understanding My IOS 15.8 Diagnostic Logs As I Have Noticed Strange Activity On My Network

    Hello Everyone, I need help digesting my IOS 15.8 diagnostic logs. I have an Iphone 7, and currently running IOS 15.8 on it. Something doesn't look right, and I hate that I can't go into my own logs to digest what's going on in each folder. I notice there has been a lot of strange network...