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  1. ghostshrimp

    iPad I updated my IPad Pro to ios 13.2 and a magnifying box popped up and won’t go away

    Yesterday I updated my iPad Pro. As soon as it turned on, a magnifying box in the corner of my screen was visible. I looked up what this problem was online and everything I read said that it’s the magnifying box. People said to turn off magnify in the accessibility section of settings so I...
  2. S

    iPhone Is Apple fixing Mail in iOS 13? I still need to do everything twice.

    Adding to what I'm sure are the many complaints about Mail in iOS 13 being a glitchy mess. First off, I removed and deleted every single account on my phone, deleted the Mail app, and did a hard restart. Then I re-added all my mail accounts. The problems are still exactly the same. Basically I...
  3. T

    iPhone Ultra wideband

    Anyone getting the error message "Ultra Wideband update failed, your iPhone cannot use ultra Wideband until it has been updated" Any clue as to how it impacts iPhone 11 performance? Is it a hardware issue?