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  1. iMacedonian

    iPhone 13 iPhone 13 Camera Lens Ring Dirt/Scratch Advice

    Hi everyone. I just noticed yesterday a little black dot under the lens ring of my iPhone 13. This is not superficial but it is beneath so nothing can remove it. I am honestly bothered by it due to OCD and the fact it would lower the value in case I want to sell the iPhone. It is still under...
  2. Sethhh

    iPhone 13 iPhone 13 camera module Tarnished

    Hello there! I bought an iPhone 13 128gb Black Colour about 10 days ago, the issue is that in the rear camera module area, it seems that around the lenses it was fogged, as if steam had entered, but I have not exposed it to any type of steam. I have tried to clean it but this "fogging" seems...
  3. Ian Almanon II

    iPhone 13 Pro white thingy inside iphone 13 telephoto lens

    i noticed something weird on my iphone 13 pro telephoto lens i used flashlight and take it near to the telephoto lens and i noticed there is something white around the egdes inside the lens its not dust but im wondering if what is this? do you guys have this on your iphone 13 pro or pro max. 2...