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  1. B

    iPhone 5 or earlier Vintage iPhone 4 restore to iOS 4

    Hi guys! A few month ago I got an iPhone 4. I have not done anything until today. I was trying to restore back to iOS 4. I was lucky because my unit was built in 2010 and previous owner saver whole bunch of shsh blobs. -4.0.3 -4.3.2 -4.3.5 -5.0.1 -6.0 -6.1.3 I created a custom ipsw using ifaith...
  2. M

    Stuck in DFU Mode - iPhone 4 Challenge.

    I challenge anybody to please fix my phone! Ok so I've spent quite a lot of time searching and trying various programs to kick it out of DFU mode but nothing has been successful. My iPhone 4 is in DFU mode - not recovery mode. My home button is not working so i cant use the button method -...
  3. iHarmony

    Will iPhone4/IOS 7.1.1 connect via USB and sync to MBP/OS-X 10.11.5?

    I'm preparing to upgrade my MBP to OS-X 10.11.5 and would like to know whether my iPhone4 will still connect via USB, work normally and sync with iTunes on my MBP after I do that (OS details in thread title). An ancillary question is - is iTunes automatically updated with the OS-X upgrade and if...