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  1. C

    Front speaker issues on iPhone XR after iOS update

    The volume of the front speaker became extremely low right after iOS 16 update. I updated the iOS on the iPhone XR last month AND yesterday night. After I have successfully installed the new iOS, the volume of the front speaker became extremely low. I can still hear audio output from the...
  2. AlexJ092

    iPhone XR I bought a “As New” iPhone from o2 UK

    Hi, I purchased a “As New” iPhone XR from o2 yesterday which I am going to be using for work. I have contacted o2 who have said “scratches are to be expected as the device is not brand new”. Am I wrong in thinking “As New” means the same as “Looks as good as new”? This is what the o2 website...
  3. F

    iPhone 11 Iphone 11 notch shadow problem

    I have noticed a shadow around the notch in my iphone 11 then i went to the apple care store they told me its normal and already in all iphone 11’s versions Did anyone notice it too? I cant help it and see it everytime my phone is in dark place with white background
  4. D

    iPhone XR iPhone 12 vs iphone XR: What's the biggest changes?

    I used my iPhone XR almost 2 years. Could anyone tell me what would be the biggest changes of iPhone 12? Since my battery is below 80%, which one would be of better cost performance, iPhone 11 or iPhone 12? A mind map of apple products rumors:
  5. J

    iPhone Is my phone rooted/jailbroken by ex?

    I have been issues with my Iphone XR. My ex has previously used whatever means to access phones and devices. This is my 9th phone in 3 years. He has never had physical access to this one. My phone has been acting up, however. One odd thing I have noticed is in an OTA update in which the...
  6. B

    All Devices iPad, iPhone running iOS13 won't recognize Bluetooth devices

    Asking this here, if it needs to be moved elsewhere hopefully a moderator can take care of it. I'm not a big user of Bluetooth. I do like it to be available when I want it. I wanted to use it last night with my new iPad 6th gen that I got for Christmas, to pair with a bookshelf stereo unit to...
  7. K

    Can iPhone XR App Volume & Ringer Volume Be Synced?

    I just upgraded from an iPhone 7 to an iPhone XR. I've noticed that when I use the volume buttons, the ringer volume and app volume operate separately. If I'm not mistaken, both ringer and app volume were previously synced on all of my other iPhones; meaning if I pushed the volume buttons, when...
  8. serpico007

    New iPhone XR black screen white logo

    Just got my new iPhone XR from my carrier and started the transfer process from an older iPhone. The setup was going well until the iCloud backup restore after it updated to 12.2. Now I have a frozen black screen with white Apple logo. I've tried the volume buttons and side button...
  9. saksvig

    Other US iPhone (2018) XS/XS Max/XR Pre-Orders and Dispatch Thread

    This thread is to allow you post shipment details, delays and other vital information that we as a Cabal have handy with our own orders for fellow US Apple Customers. Please post the following (preferably with SS hiding your personal information and why would you) - Devices ordered - Model...