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  1. dawindmg08

    Anyone here using a LUN+iSCSI for Music/Photo libraries on a NAS?

    Recently upgraded the i5 Mac mini I'd been using as a music & photo server to an M1 model. One of the things I lost was hard drive space -- went from 2TB to 256GB on the new model (great price on it, couldn't pass up the deal). Right now I have an SSD plugged into a Thunderbolt port that holds...
  2. IBICO

    Move home folder to ISCSI drive

    I setup an ISCSI drive at home for a secure backup raid, but also because of disk space. I run the mac pro 2013 and are a part time photographer. So use it for photo editing. The Synology RS816 is setup with normal shared folder, my dropbox/onedrive/googledrive/synologydrive, ISCSI with...