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itunes match

  1. S

    Apple Music Shared iTunes account moving to Apple Music Subscription with iTunes Match

    Hello. I am exploring moving to a family Apple Music subscription from my current setup. The wrinkle I am foreseeing is what will happen with my very large ripped from CD content that currently works great shared with family members. Here is my current setup: My iCloud account as family...
  2. haralds

    Apple Music Maximize Matching in Music/iTunes

    I have been using iTunes Match from the beginning and have a large number of albums. Before Dolby Atmos and lossless it did not matter that much, if a track did not match. Now it makes a difference. I just got Kraftwerk 3D The Catalogue (Live - 8 CDs) and ripped it Apple Lossless using Music...
  3. tekfranz

    Apple Music iTunes Match -IOS 15 has Dolby Atmos and Lossless but Mac Bg Sur does Not

    I subscribe to iTunes Match. I use a supported AirPods headset. I wish I had the option for lossless, spatial audio and Dolby Atmos on my Mac running Bug Sur but it seems like these are only available on my iPhone running IOS 15. If I subscribe to Apple Music then they appear on my Mac as well...
  4. haralds

    Apple Music Automated resaving of tracks

    I find a small percentage of tracks will not upload/match and result in an error on "Add to Library." Often this looks like a structure problem, Loading them in Fission and saving (as) them out will often fix the issue. But Fission does not support automation. Does anybody know of a music editor...
  5. hewhore

    Apple Music Music tracks syncing across devices even when they're not available in iTunes?

    I have tons of CDs and other files (bootlegs, music made by friends etc.) from USB sticks that I have slowly been importing in to for the last couple of weeks, and I'm just confused because I was only expecting to be able play those songs from the Mac I'd imported them on to. The...
  6. msephton

    Apple Music Anybody else been paying for iTunes Match unnecessarily for years?

    Years before Apple Music was even a thing I signed up for iTunes Match as a way to make my legacy ripped CDs accessible across all of my Apple devices. Today, 6 years late, I learned that Apple Music includes the benefits of iTunes Match! According to Apple...
  7. D

    Apple Music Is iCloud Music Library for iTunes Match working for you?

    I am running iTunes on a Windows 10 PC. I am an iTunes Match subscriber, and iTunes Match is scheduled to renew in 8 days on July 26. Yesterday, I added about 100 songs and only a handful either matched or didn't match and got added to my iCloud Music Library. For the rest of the songs, the...
  8. Lvivske

    Apple Music Any way to stop Matching and for Upload?

    I bought some older CDs to rip into my collection as ALAC files, but Apple Music will randomly select a handful of them and 'Match' them to some terrible remaster, so I'll have to have the files take up space on my laptop and never stream - and if i stream on another device, it pulls the bad...
  9. neil74

    Apple Music Lossless - iTunes match now a problem?

    As I understand it, Apple music will be lossless but any items uploaded via iTunes Match will not be? If I am correct here then it looks to be a pain for anybody with iTunes match. iTunes match items are merged into your iCloud music library and are not easy to separate so it will then become...
  10. BulkSlash

    iCloud iTunes Match down again?

    Is anyone else getting the "We couldn't make your iCloud Music Library available. Click the retry button" message again, like we had a few months back? I've retried dozens of times now and it just won't connect to upload the music I've just added to my library, I've restarted both the Music app...
  11. O

    Apple Music consolidate music media (iTunes Match, Apple Music) files on local SSD

    Long ago I digitized all my CDs and put them into iTunes. I’ve migrated through several iMacs since then, and subscribe to both Apple Music and iTunes Match (or whatever it’s called these days). The problem: I find several different folders in my local (iMac internal SSD) Music folder...
  12. A

    Apple TV not playing "matched" music in cloud, only Apple Music files

    The is only happening to me on Apple TV. When I click on albums/songs from the Apple Music subscription library, I get the tracklist and they play no problem. For the past couple of weeks it has not played any of my "matched" or uploaded songs in my cloud. The artwork for the matched music shows...
  13. S

    ITunes Match - can it be an iTunes Sync workaround - if so do I need iCloud storage as well?

    MacBook Pro [2009] 500Gb El Capitan 10.11.6 [no higher updates available] - iTunes [no higher updates available] - contains 270Gb of music downloads from Apple, Amazon, original recordings of father and brothers bands, CD rips etc but no dodgy torrent rips or the like. All tracks play...
  14. Mitthrawnuruodo

    Music app won't play Matched songs "not available in your Country"

    I have iTunes Match (now iTunes in the cloud?) and Apple Music. Quite often a track, that has been Matched (because I've ripped it from a CD or something), just won't play from the Playing Next list and the Music app is just hanging (sometimes "for ever", other times just for a while before...
  15. R

    iPhone Cancelled apple music for iTunes match, ‘cannot be downloaded’

    I cancelled my apple music subscription and signed up to just iTunes match instead, as only use the ‘my library’ tab anyway. Since doing that, whenever i try and listen to half of my library on Music on iPhone i get ‘cannot be downloaded’ error. Some songs work, some do not, half of an album...
  16. haralds

    Sync Music and iTunes Libraries to iCloud without duplication?

    I have a very large library that is carefully curated and synced to iCloud (iTunes Match.) I recently migrated my main computer to Music and TV. On my laptops I do not start out with local music and just download as needed from iTunes Match/Apple Music. I have a duplicate library running under...
  17. Nigel Goodman

    No sound when playing music in iTunes

    I'm not sure whether this belongs in the iOS or Mac forums, but hope it's ok here. I've been in touch with Rogue Amoeba support over this as it involves Audio Hijack and Fission along with iTunes on the Mojave and on iOS (iPhone XR). They have been extremely helpful, but have not been able, so...
  18. W

    iTunes Match/iCML: Is there a way to keep an already-downloaded playlist automatically updated?

    Quick question about iTunes Match/iCloud Music Library. Is there anyway to auto-download new music but only in playlists that I previously downloaded on my phone? So let's say my whole iTunes library is uploaded to Match. On my iPhone, I go in the Music app and download a couple playlists (eg...
  19. R

    Apple Match + Music Questions

    I currently have iTunes Match. I much prefer my own music as I have a lot of obscure music that won't be available on streaming services. Ive got a few Apple HomePods - the sound is great but the interface is awful. Quite often I will ask Siri to turn off my lights/play a song. And she will...
  20. H3LL5P4WN

    Apple Music Family: Ripped CDs Not Showing For Child Account

    I recently upgraded to Apple Music Family and added my girlfriend to my plan. We previously had Home Sharing setup, as well as adding her to Family Sharing. She has her own Apple ID, has previous purchases under her ID, and a raft of music she's ripped from CDs on her PC. I had thought that...