I just noticed that my main LaunchAgent script last worked on January 29th. It runs at midnight and backs-up important stuff to OneDrive.
The script lives in /usr/local/bin
/bin/bash has full-disk access
The script runs fine when I run it standalone
It runs, but all of the commands within...
The property in question is AfterInitialDemand. The screenshot of the job is below. The question is what exactly AfterInitialDemand is for apart from the formal definition reading that it's a sub-key overriding KeepAlive, RunAtLoad, WatchPaths and StartCalendarInterval keys and making the job...
I want to create an agent that would launch a certain script when iTunes is launched. Obviously, with the traditional set of properties such as KeepAlive and RunAtLoad it will resume endlessly as soon as the default 10-sec interval elapses which is not the desired behaviour as I need it...
Looking at the Launch Agents in my home directory, I came across this old one:
com.apple .CSConfigDotMacCert-roger@me.com-SharedServices.Agent.plist dated Jan 6 2013
What is it for and should I remove it?