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leopard webkit

  1. Z

    Viewing TLS 1.3 Websites in Leopard WebKit / Safari 11.0.4 (The Easy Way)

    This is not project-related; I just wanted to quickly share a recent discovery that might not have been apparent to most, and certainly never was to me: If you copy / paste the below link at the start of a URL (such as a Wikipedia link, or a random article about bicycles), it will automatically...
  2. Appleuser201

    (Unpopular Opinion) I think Webkit is the way to go, not Tenfourfox..

    I am gonna start this off by saying that I know this is a very unpopular opinion, and will get hated on but I just want to share it and am open to negative criticism and feedback. I will also say that I show much appreciation to Cameron Kaiser and the contributers to TenFourFox for supporting an...
  3. Appleuser201

    Watching YouTube in Leopard Webkit (fix?)

    Some users have mentioned Webkit not working well with youtube anymore and lacking features such as full screen... No fullscreen option can be a problem and also the fact that WebKit loads the old style of youtube (and most of the web too) A user on here by MrPilot had sent me a video a couple...
  4. Appleuser201

    Low End Leopard Performance

    I got some questions for those who run Leopard on low end G4 machines or upgraded to G4, G3 machines (under 1ghz)... I know of people who upgraded beige G3s to leopard by installing a G4 card. How is overall performance on a low end G4 doing daily tasks such as web browsing (leopard webkit...
  5. Appleuser201

    Is Leopard Webkit Better Than TenFourFox on G4 Macs?

    I don't currently own any G4's but TenfourFox is slow on them from YouTube videos ive seen. Only recently has YouTube been possible on later G4 macs on that browser but their are noticeable frame drops. Webkit plays YouTube flawlessly at 360p, as seen in many demonstrations. Is Webkit still...
  6. Lud DiLettante

    Leopard Webkit questions

    I've installed 8GB RAM and reinstalled Leopard on my G5 and everything works great, but Safari/Webkit still stalls at times, won't load images, or perform a search. I'll have to go back to basics: I've been confused about the relation of Safari and the for a long time. Long ago...