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lightroom 6

  1. trailrunner44

    Help!>2012 MBP Retina D to MBP 2018? or wait for 2019?

    Hello all !! I have a mid 2012 15" Retina Display (256gb, 8gb RAM, 2,3ghz i7, Nvidia Graphic Card) running High Sierra. I'm a part-time photographer and videographer. I use Lightroom, Final Cut Pro and Premiere CC. The MBP runs all everyday tasks quite good and hasn't any major problems until I...
  2. I

    About to buy a $3k iMac...

    I've been in the market for a new iMac for the past 3 years. I currently have a 2008 24in iMac. I do believe that it's time to upgrade. Since 2008 i've gained a hobby of photography, now i'm starting to dabble in videography. With the photography, I shoot for clients and plan on doing more...
  3. A

    Lightroom 6.3 Crashing Everytime

    Anyone having issues opening Lightroom? CC 2015.9 was not working but just upgraded the new beta and to 6.3 and now it won’t open anymore. Anyone figure out solutions?