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lightroom slow performance

  1. C

    13" 2016 MBP intermittently blackens pics while cropping

    Hello, Our 13" 2016 MBP is having difficulty with Lightroom 6.10. When in Develop mode, only while cropping, the photo sometimes goes black—for a moment. It is an intermittent issue. This only happens when "Use Graphics Processor" is checked in the Performance tab of LR's settings. Advice...
  2. M

    Lightroom running slow on MacPro 6 core

    I need some help from the team here. A couple of months ago, my Imac 27" I7 died (motherboard) and apparently apple no longer makes the motherboard for it. So I decided to get a Mac Pro, 6 core, 16GIG unit. I am an armature photographer and I send some of my time using Lightroom and Photoshop...