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  1. Z

    finding LinkedIn searchers

    In LinkedIn i get many searchers that have looked at my account, but only the only things stated is the company they are in, i cant see their names to know who they are. I have a free LinkedIn account. Is it possible to know their identity if i purchase some LinkedIn Plan or is it something that...
  2. AjTee

    Linkedin website very slow on Safari 13.1.2

    Hello, Have you also experienced that website is slow and unresponsive on Safari 13.1.2? It no always react on soft touch, with hard touch it works better. On Google Chrome this website works normally. On Safari 13.1.2 other sites like Facebook, MacRumors works normally. I have...
  3. pwagner59

    iPhone WhatsApp Contact Links

    Moving from an Android for years I was disappointed that I could not merge in What'sApp Contacts with my other contacts. Normally, all my Google contacts, if they have a picture, then if I chat with someone on What'sApp it would show their What'sApp picture, but when they didn't have a whatsapp...
  4. W

    Using social media for advancement

    Hi folks, I have been a "chief, cook and bottle washer" for a small regional construction business since it was founded. I have a B.A. and I do extensive work as an office manager, construction site supervisor, bookkeeper, communications manger, and occasional work as videographer and...