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log files

  1. H

    iPhone SE (2020) Has anyone else got aggregated.diskwrites_resources logs under analytics data?

    You can find them under Privacy-> Analytics and Improvements->Analytics Data. Noticed them under my diagnostic logs. The heaviest stack for the largest process are as follows: libsystem_pthread.dylib libdispatch.dylib PowerlogCore libsqlite3 Honestly, given the report on the pegasus malware...
  2. H

    Questions regarding the analytics-90Day files and daily ones

    Decided to have a look since new updated generally generate them for a few weeks before stopping. The analytics-90Day or Never ones all seem to end with BogusFieldNotActuallyEverUsed, which I found to be an odd thing to end a log file with The analytics daily stuff is even odder. Some of it is...
  3. M

    Correlation between Mac OS X GUI actions and Logs

    I am not sure if it is possible but I was trying to discover/view/analyze if there is any correlation between the actions that a regular user perform on the GUI side with some logs inside the system (logs, var, or console). I would like to know if I can be able to see all the command line that...
  4. Madquake

    How to read log register

    Hi everyone, I know yhis may sound a silly question, but does someone know how to read the log register? I had to connect with my personal Mac at work for an important Skype call. When I was joining the internet network I madfe a mistake choosing the internal WLAN instead of the guest...
  5. H

    licence agreements log files

    hi there, is there a possiblity to see which licence agreements have been accepted on my macbook pro today. my girlfriend has agreed on a licence agreement request after clicking "try tonight" on an apple notification that there is an update. after having already seen fake licence agreement...
  6. R

    System log

    Hi there, I try to access /var/log/system.log trough terminal, however it gives (permission denied). As the only user of my MBP (2010), I should have access to this file right? Does anyone know why I don't have access any longer?
  7. C

    Sierra known hacker disabled Console

    A former tech person of my company has been hacking my home network. I've just noticed that all Diagnostic and User Reports have been deleted and that there are 0 messages. How do I delete the code that disabled Console and turn it back on? I have attached a screen shot. This is an EMERGENCY...
  8. S

    Question about Logitech Wireless Solar Keyboard K750

    Hi Everybody, I bought this Keyboard today and after downloading the Solar app and reading reviews it got me thinking. Can anyone help explain the issues these people are having with Log files and how I can see if my keyboard suffer's the same problems. I'm happy with the keyboard (1 hour old)...