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  1. haralds

    FYI: Rogue Amoeba Loopback cannot chain to SoundSource

    Rogue Amoeba's tools are a "must-have" for sound lovers. They all rely on the same backend intercepting Apple's audio system architecture. Fundamentally this allows redirecting all device or application sounds to a different output via Menu app with SoundSource or creating virtual device audio...
  2. Prplehz76

    Loopback open multiple interfaces?

    Excuse my ignorance but I’m trying to weed out a multimedia issue I’m having with my Mac Pro and IPhone 7+. Is it normal that loopback is open and active on 4-6 ports at any given time? Even if I turn off WiFi and I open a terminal window and use lsof -i I can see processes open and an...
  3. Prplehz76

    Remote user that I can’t shake!

    I need some heavy duty help to shake a remote user! I’ve tried everything even had professional IT help but he’s sneaky and can disappear as quickly as he appears! I’ve got all the programs he/she is infiltrating and can see the workflow on my console. I have used sudo on my terminal and can...