Hi gentlemen,
I have a Mac Pro 4.1, flashed to 5.1
32GB RAM, single X5690, USB 3 PCI card
I have a MacVidCards MSI GeForce GTX 970 GAMING 4G that supports the boot screen.
And I HAD a cheap SATA SSD. It failed on me a week ago. Luckily I was able to make a full backup by making an image with...
boot camp partition
boot camp windows
gtx 970
mac 10.13.6
macefibootscreennativevideocardmvcgtxnvidiamac pro (2010)
mac pro (early 2009)
nvme boot
nvme upgrade
Hi everybody,
I know it's gonna give some people here who don't like what I'm doing now, but I also know that there will be someone who will benefit from it.
It all started with an order at MacVidCards to flash my GTX 1070 8GB graphics card (MSI Brand, 3x DP, 1x HDMI, 1x DVI). Everything...