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macbook pro 15 2016 graphics battery

  1. BioDon

    MBP late 2016 power board failure

    My "new" late 2106 MacBook Pro 15" with Touch Bar, on 7/3/2018 failed to wake up or power on. No prior symptoms of difficulty waking up, no prior battery issues or warnings, no water damage. Attempted SMC reset. All 4 USB 3 ports were tried to charge up and restart. Two different power bricks...
  2. S

    Radeon 460 or 455

    Hey All, So I BTO the 460, but received defective OTA, so I am going to return it tomorrow, since it is BTO, it will not be stocked, so now I have two choices: 1.Get the 455 in stock 2.Order again the 460 and wait for 2-3 weeks. I do light photoshop and light room, I mainly do web dev, app...
  3. FrankySavvy

    Graphic Card Issue? New 2016 15" BTO

    Major Graphic Issue with new 15" BTO MacBook Pro with Radeon 460 4GB VRAM. When I change desktops using the gesture on the trackpad, graphical issues occur, this is with graphic switching toggled both on and off. Anyone else? Literally just got it today :(
  4. U

    Help with configuration please

    I am looking to buy the new MacBook Pro 15" Touch Bar and needed advice on what configuration to purchase. I mainly use my mac for web browsing, youtube, school work, and movies. I occasionally edit videos but nothing too serious just for fun. Anyone think it would be worth getting the...
  5. C

    MBP 15 2016, can the 530hd handle the retina UI well?

    Since Apple went with the weaker hd 530 graphics will we be seeing UI-lag when the discrete graphic card is not in use? How much of a battery hit could keeping the radeon card on at all times cause in that case?