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  1. E

    Faint horizontal static on external display with MacBook Pro 2020 (Intel) with 4 TB3 Ports

    Hardware : - Intel MacBook Pro 13 2020 with 4 TB3 Ports - 2 Dell S2421HN External Monitors - Purgo Dual HDMI USB C Hub - HDMI Cables that came with monitor Software : MacOS Big Sur 11.5.1 Issue : I am noticing faint horizontal static that moves vertically upwards. They look something...
  2. Y

    Macbook pro 2017 vs 2018

    I'm new in this forum and also new in MacBook world (sorry I'm windows user trying to cross the world :D) So, this year I trying to make decision to try mac environment. I'm a programmer so I need MacBook pro for programming. I read for several articles, programming in MacBook its comfortable...
  3. Q

    Macbook Pro with Xeon?

    Just curious to know why, if the Macbook Pro is the top laptop for most developers, Apple doesn't make one with a Xeon CPU? Wouldn't this be better for developers?
  4. D

    MacBook Pro + Cinema Display = maxed out GPU memory

    After upgrading to 10.13, I noticed some odd graphical glitches in Safari and my rMBP (2012) getting quite hot at random times. Activity Monitor showed fairly average CPU and memory usage so I installed iStat to check out the GPU usage. Turns out, as soon as I plug in my 24" Cinema Display the...
  5. M

    linux terminal -bash: env: No such file or directory

    Hi All, Following is the issue i'm facing. i'm new to the terminal and this linux env I tried to set the env variables on my mac for the ANT and MAVEN. something nano ~/.bash_profile and after logging back, my terminal always opens with the following commands and any linux command i run it...
  6. julian-poidevin

    MBPMid2010_GPUFix : Finally a fix for kernel panic of MacBook Pro 2010 !

    MBPMid2010_GPUFix is an utility program that allows to fix MacBook Pro (15-inch, Mid 2010) intermittent black screen or loss of video. The algorithm is based on a solution provided by user fabioroberto on MacRumors forums. The utility is based on Qt Framework and only available on OSX. What is...