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  1. T

    iCloud Does anybody remember the launch of Mac Dot Com?

    It’s been over 20 years, but still it’s surprising that I can’t seem to find anything online about the launch of - maybe around 2002 or 2003 Apple launched this primitive online service for email and you could also have photo galleries. It was obviously before even OSX was launched...
  2. N

    iCloud email back from the dead

    So this is really strange. My email alias, which I lost during one of the cloud service transitions (I let it lapse), has started working again. Today I was looking in my iCloud email which I don’t really use anymore and I noticed I have been receiving email on my email alias...
  3. R address defect

    Hey, since approx. two weeks my isn't working properly. This means I can only receive mails on irregular basis. The sender gets an automatic "Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender" as answer. I've attached an example below from a test a did two hours ago. Has anyone experienced...
  4. DB2k email address becoming unsupported?

    Hi Last two days I tried logging into icloud via a pc web browser. It asked me to verify my email address, but would not let me use my address. Your Apple ID email address must be verified before you can sign in. Verify the address below or choose a different address to use as...
  5. Slix

    .Mac box

    So I was shopping at the local Goodwill Outlet today, and came across this wonder! It's sealed completely still, apparently someone thought it was a good idea to donate a $99 subscription they bought sometime after 2005. :P Good thing it requires 10.3.9 or later! ;D I wish the sticker for...