Update: I just flashed macOS to a USB thumb drive. The red box around the Apple logo still appeared. That rules out SSD issues.
This is largely to keep others on their toes and provide information, but I do have questions. These are at the end. I am also attaching two EtreCheck reports, one...
a follow-up question to my last one: I have decided that I don't mind signing into my laptop when it restarts, just as long as I can use Touch ID to unlock apps such as Minimalist and Bear. (both good apps, BTW.) the former requires a password to unlock. the Touch ID logo appears, but after...
I have a 2016 MacBook Pro that has had its logic board replaced in 2019. I attempted the macOS 12.3 update and got into the looping recovery mode cycle error. This is, every single time the computer restarts, turns on, etc… it force starts recovery mode. I have attempted disk utility first aid...