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  1. A

    Kidlogger found in old Time Machine backup

    Hi everyone, I'm trying to figure out how to understand malware notification: Intego VirusBarrier message notified that Kidlogger was in an old Time Machine backup. (I'm looking for a file in ancient digital cupboards, so plugged in an older Time Machine disk.) I'd love your thoughts on how to...
  2. A

    Are the TextEdit and Google Chrome apps connected in anyway?

    CONTEXT: I was having trouble quitting TextEdit on my mac and when I went to force quit the application I noticed that the TextEdit icon was the same as Google Chrome (see image below). I wasn't working on HTML and didn't even realize that you can edit and open these files in Google Chrome until...
  3. S

    Resolved org.dataforge.Football.plist?

    Hello This is my first post here. Sorry if this has been asked before, but I couldn’t find anything on the internet about it. I was uninstalling some apps using CleanMyMac X when I saw this oddly named org.dataforge.Football.plist file under the Leftovers category. The file is located in...
  4. Laisha

    "Booking" In My Dock & I've Never Heard of It

    When I went to bed last night, everything was hunky-dorey with my computer. But I woke up this morning, and I noticed a new icon in my dock. (Attached.) I don't THINK it was there when I went to bed, but it could be I hadn't noticed. I am a tad suspicious about a message that popped up while I...