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message text settings

  1. D

    Received a weird messaged and it disappeared

    My mother was driving home and she got a message from my sister asking when she was gonna arrive. To that, my mom replied "half an hour" "more or less". Then she gets a reply of my sister saying "Jenny has exclaimed AH to your message more or less" (Jenny is the way my mom has my sister added on...
  2. M

    Problem with Notifications on Macbook Pro

    Hi, everyone I'm new to Macbook and today I'm having a problem receiving notifications. At first I was text messaging my friends on my iphone and I noticed that my macbook wasn't alerting me with any message like it usually does. So I opened Notifications in the System Preferences and I found...
  3. lizzyrae78

    Iphone 6s Camera shutter not opening...Black screen

    I am having a problem anytime I go to take a picture on my phone and the display is black. Generally the only way I can get the shutter to open is to swipe left or right to video or square mode and sometimes the screen will been show a live view. This is is on the front or rear camera it doesn't...
  4. M

    iPhone SE will not delete texts

    I recently updated my iphone SE and now it seems to be keeping a count of all my sent and received imessages and texts... It won't let me mark anything as "read", but I can delete conversations for a short time, but they then reappear if that contact texts me or if I try to restart my phone. If...
  5. meeebee

    AW does not respect Message setting

    On my iphone, when I get a group message that I don't want to see every text that comes through, I will Do Not Disturb that one message group. Thereafter, my iphone does not sound or vibrate for new messages for that one group only. All other messages come through with sounds and vibrates...